Digital libraries Medicalfit Internal Hex

Medicalfit Internal Hex. Librerias digitales de laboratorio dental

Digital libraries Medicalfit Internal Hex

Digital libraries Medicalfit Internal Hex 768 509 Medicalfit

Our 100% digital dental laboratory has just introduced the new Medicalfit Internal Hex digital libraries.

Digital libraries are an essential part of modern digital dentistry. Thanks to them, the workflow between the laboratory and the dental practice is greatly improved.

What is Medicalfit Internal Hex?

It consists of the creation of its own digital libraries in which the design of scanbody, interfaces and screws is unified.

This work methodology has been carried out thanks to all the experience acquired over the years in our dental laboratory. Thanks to the collaboration between our experts and the collaborating doctors, it has been possible to develop this product.

Thanks to this new product, the design of restorative treatments is facilitated. Thanks to our digital protocols, we facilitate the data flow between the laboratory and the dental clinic. In this way, treatments are carried out in shorter time frames and the accuracy of the final result is significantly improved.

What are the components of Internal Hex?

Internal Hex digital libraries are composed of three parts:


A single body has been designed for all prosthetic solutions. It is composed of a titanium connection to secure the position and the body in peek. In this way, the digital scanning process is greatly facilitated, improving accuracy in design and planning.


It has been designed to optimize mechanical and esthetic feasibility. In this way, we achieve a biologically respectful product.


The chimneys are angled at cingulum in anteriors and central fossae in posteriors. In this way we achieve more homogeneous restorations with a more favorable emergence.

At MedicalFit we offer you the most advanced digital protocols to improve the flow between the laboratory and the dental clinic:

  • Medicalfit Implants. Design and planning of digital implantology.
  • Medicalfit Esthetic. Restorative dentistry through veneers, crowns and prosthesis.
  • Medicalfit Orthodontics. Transparent aligners for orthodontics and esthetic restorations.

Medicalfit is part of Dentalesthetic dental laboratories. If you would like to receive more information about our products, please contact us and we will advise you about our products and how they can improve your productivity in the dental clinic.  ☎️ 953 792 983